
The call SK6FM was originally used by the Amateurradio Club of Radio HCJB, Nordic Department in Mariestad. The closedown of this club several years ago, made it possible for us to obtain their former call SK6FM.


In 2000 it became possible in Sweden to apply for a special contest call, and we applied for SK6M which is now our contest call.


When Mats SM7BUA returned to Sweden 1995, after several years in Ecuador, Kenth SM6DYK, Peter SM6MCW and Mats SM7BUA decided to work contests together. Years before they had been competing against each other in contests where Mats as HC7SK always came first, because he got more points for every QSO from HC than the two others from SM.

In the years after Fredy SM6FKF, Bjorn SM6LJU and Hans SM6BGA joined the team. Jan SM7NDX and Lennart SM6CLU joined for the CQWW 2000.

In August 2008 our friend, leader and "brother" SM6DYK became silent key.

We dismounted all our antennas in Stenstorp a weekend in June 2009. It was a very sad moment. SK6M from Hovmansgården are QRT forever.

Antennas at our former QTH at Hovmansgården, Segerstad, Stenstorp

Old pictures from SK6FM










 SK6M Contest Team